Sunday, January 18, 2009

What a Day!

Around 10:30am myself and Kellon were watching a movie on t.v. and Mekhi was sleeping in my lap, we were actually just discussing going grocery shopping in about 15 minutes time. All of a sudden I heard one gun shot, I said "Kell, thats a gun shot" and he was like "not necessarily". Then when the second gun shot rang out we both stood up and looked out our veranda door window. What we found across the road was a group of cops, and a cop van. The police were in uniform and plain clothes and they were firing shots in one direction, we couldn't see what they were shooting. Then no more shots, the police van went tearing down the road and a group of men scattering in different directions. I was freaking out and Kellon was checking all doors were locked, then we heard two more shots fired but this time in the bushes closer to our house!!!
At this point I was debating climbing into the closet with Mekhi, closing the door and praying for the best. Instead I calmly put Mekhi down in his play pen to sleep, covered it up with blankets so no one could see him and me and Kellon watched from the window for more action.
When we heard no more and saw no more action we locked the door and went on top of the roof of the apartment building to see if we could get any more information. From the roof we saw two police men in plain clothes walking with their guns pulled out. They asked Kellon if we saw anyone, he said no and they said to get inside. So inside we went, stairing out the windows at police in plain clothes and in army gear with guns pulled walking up and down our road. I'm not going to lie, at this point I did say to Kellon "We came to Grenada why??".
About an hour after the action, and knowing that Kellon was going to have to leave for work, I begged him to go down the hill and talk to our neighbour who was outisde to find out the details on whats happening. So after telling me I had better plan his funeral (to which point I asked if he would like pink roses for his casket), he made his way, chest puffed out like a big man, down the hill.
My knight in shining armor returned with all the details. It turned out that this morning, being a Sunday, 4 men decided to try and rob a bank that is found over the hill from our place. (Repeat...on a Sunday, when the bank is closed). Upon being found the four men ran through the bushes over the hill, the police chased them to our neighbourhood and thats when shots began firing. Aparently the police caught 2 men however the other 2 were still in the bushes around our neighbourhood. The police had the bushes surrounded so they believed the men were still in there and thats why they were patroling so heavily.
Now it is 8:15pm and I have no more news, as far as I know there are still two attempted bank robbers running through the bushes in my neighbourhood. The only thing I have to say is STAY AWAY FROM MY PAPAYA TREE! Another day in the life.


Anonymous said...

ok well scary as hell .. but i am so glad you guys are ok ... and how exciting at the same time .. nothing like that happens in my neighbourhood .. i just here bombs and stuff going off ....

SusanE said...

I just see wolf tracks. Wow. What a day.

What time does Kellon get home? Are you safe with these two guys at large?

Hilary, I don't hear bombs going off near my house. Of course sometimes I do hear guns but that's from the neighbours skeet shootings or hunters.

You tell a great story Megan I'm glad you wrote it all out.

Cherylinn said...

Holy Crap.....

Stephanie, Matt, Kaden and Ireland said...

when we were talking about that yesterday holy crap i was speechless and still am.. glad you guys are all ok... love that you were thinking of hideing in the closet i probably would have done that... heehee... tell kellon he is my hero so brave :)

Homee Dad's View of Life said...

Megan - did you check the bush - maybe they dropped some money