Friday, January 09, 2009

Update on the Papaya

Yet another update from Kellon on life in Grenada, specifially, follow up on the Papaya!

We went to St. Davids, about 45 minute bus ride from where we live, to visit Kellon's sister, niece, nephew and brother. The kids had so much fun and Mekhi was so excited to see kids, he just screamed at them with big smiles on his face.

Yet another day on the beach, every time we go poor Mekhi ends up so exhausted and has a nap on the beach, what a life huh?

And just to prove Mekhi has found his Grenadian roots, he had to bust a move on the beach.


Stephanie, Matt, Kaden and Ireland said...

ok love the pics adn teh papaya but most of all love the video of Mekhi breaking a move.. Kellon you are too funny, hey meg nowyou and kellon are equal you let mekhi fall down a hill and he let Mekhi smash his face into ground.heehee so now if your kid can't read you are both to blam :) heehee

SusanE said...

It's funny just as Kellon cuts into the papaya, Mekhi yells and it sounds like the papaya is fighting back.

Love the sleeping picture.

I laughed when Kellon let Mekhi fall over. Too funny.

Nice song Kel.

Fiddling Granny said...

The papaya made me salivate - yum!! They don't taste the same up here as they do down there.

The way Kellon dropped Mekhi on his face made me laugh!!

Anonymous said...

ok what a dad, mincing the papaya ... the pic of mekhi sleeping on the beach is absolutly beautiful .. i want you to e-mail it so i have it in full size .... and the dance video is hilarious i laughed sooo hard