Sunday, January 04, 2009

Mekhi in his Walker and a Video for Thomas

Well Thomas had a specific request to ask of Kellon (aka Wycleff as given by Thomas). Thomas has asked that Kellon make video's showing the family around Grenada. I asked what he meant and specifically he wanted firstly a video of our papayas, how we pick them and how we eat them. Although I thought it was a strange request I promised I would, so here is the first of Kellon's Grenada.

Now for Christmas Mekhi received from Granny/Me and Kellon a walker. He loves it and it seems we now have learned how quickly he can get to grab everything now. I was able to capture him in it and thought I would show off the noise level of my baby boy.


Cherylinn said...

That Walker is a keeper never get rid of it. The ones with wheels are not allowed to be sold in Canada and the US for years now.

SusanE said...

"there goes my basketball skills, as are clearly visible" oh i laughed when he said that.

Very nice home Megan.

And I love Mekhi's laugh. And I especially love listening to you making him laugh.

Anonymous said...

well i must say i like your apt and yard and such, i cannot wait to come see it one day.... mehki loks so big now...what a cutie

blah blah blah said...

Well thanks for the video. I enjoyed watching it. Pretty cool seeing lil things like that. I expect you and Kellon to continue giving a tour of Grenada.

Stephanie, Matt, Kaden and Ireland said...

ok to start with Mekhi looks absolutely cute in his walker, he is so proud and let look at me guys!

second cool video, good idea tom! we expect to see more coming... oh and remember meg how i said my accent skills such i thought Kellon said i am shot... then i clued in that he said " i am short" heehee god i such when it comes to accents.. sorry kellon

Lauras Garden said...

Does somebody want to explain why Tom calls Kellon Wyecliff?

Gryper said...

Your house is a beauty and it appears to be in a nice setting.

When we were in Jamaica the papyas were not as big at our place but they were really good when you get them fresh from the trees.

It was great seeing Mekhi scooting around in his Walker and hearing him talking away like a champion.

I think the walker is great we had one once upon a time. That was before they passed yet another law dealing with stupid parents who didn't have brains enough to block stairs so the baby wouldn't fall down them. Of course in Canada we have stupid legislaters who specialize in creating stupid laws to protect stupid people from themselves.


The Apt. Looks sweet with Papaya's right out your front door thats sweet. Show me more cuzzzzzzz