Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I have TWO teeth!

Well here it is, he's a two tooth man now! He's eating home made food, mostly because they don't offer much for baby food here on the Island. Favorite food is sweet potatoe, with ANYTHING. So thats how I get him to eat his veggies. And today he had his first piece of whole wheat bread and loved it, I was shocked.

Here is our little goof screaming his head off.
My men, oh so serious, watching tv together.


Anonymous said...

the 1st pic goes so well with the blog title, its almost like he is saying it himself

SusanE said...

Kellon looks about 15 in that picture. You cradle robber you.

Mekhi got his vocal behaviours from you.

Stephanie, Matt, Kaden and Ireland said...

love the pics megan

today is the big day :) congrats again