Saturday, September 01, 2007

CPSC Course

Well I have been advised that finally the curse has hit me. I must take the CPSC course. This course is a 3 week course taught by a Fleet Instructor who comes from Head Office. The purpose of this course is to teach crew to drive the lifeboats!!!! Yup those orange "tub" looking like boats that are awful to drive I now have to learn to drive. Reason emergency duty has be as 1st in charge of a lifeboat and so far because I didn't have the course someone else has to do that part of my duty. But unfortunately this Fleet Instructor has decided to come and its my time, along with 12 other people.

So starting the 2nd of Sept. not only do I have to work from 11pm until 8am but I then have to do handover to learn my new job which will be Front Desk Supervisor during the morning once i'm done my job and then at 2pm I have to go to class until 5pm every day. Sometimes this class is practial, driving boats, sometimes its theory. And they expect that I stay awake through these classes?!?! Anyways...I was pretty upset, 3 weeks of this is a joke, but i've decided that oh well...the course should be fun, another AP is in this course so we should have fun and if I sleep in class that is their fault, they are the ones who've TOLD me I have to do this course.

There may be hints of bitterness in this story because I'm just learning to get over it, but in the end I know I will have fun with it anyways. And i'm sure in the long run there is a reason for everything. So I will have like 0 time to go ashore but maybe I can put in some pics of me driving the lifeboats???? Stay tuned

Lots of love from the cursed.


Anonymous said...

classes may be noaring but drving one of those boats would be fun ... i'l take the course for u

SusanE said...

Wow!!! What a great career opportunity.

Can you imagine how this course could make a difference in the direction of your life?

(I can't)

Anyway, have fun with it. It should be worth a few good stories and a great ice breaker at parties for the rest of your life.

Homee Dad's View of Life said...

Mego - I unlike most see the obvious potential in this newest adventure. There are thosands,ney, millions of individuals on this vast spinning globe that would relish in your opportuinity.

You - my first born are overlooking the obvious. I am most certain that at the completion of this course not only will you be able to handle the torment that Posidon himself may throw in your vessels path.

But Mego you and only you will will find the strength inside so that you will not longer find it a challange to open a bucket of pickles with yes " YOUR LEFT HAND " !!!!

Homee Dad finds the need to wipe his eyes as they are welling up with Pride!!!

To think that the seed of my loin has abled herself to do those things that mere mortals cannot!

I must meditate on your success, for you, my first born are the rushing air passing beneath my outstretched arms!!!

Forever yours
Homee Dad

PS. doth this mean I should hail the title Captain your way?

Cherylinn said...

You'll have a blast....It's a great opportunity for you and it's only 3 weeks.