Monday, February 06, 2006

Answers for Dad

Dad, to answer your question, yes that is a he is not "just" happy to see me:) Actually it was a real machine gun and the other guy had a knife holstered to his pack. I guess with the alarming rate of 14 murders in Trinidad for the month of January alone and the "gorillas" in the Trinidad rainforests they now need at minimum two armed police officers with any group of hikers!!! YIKES! But they were super cool and I thoroughly enjoyed i'm sure you can see;)


SusanE said...

how does it feel to be hiking with armed guards and gorillas hiding in the bushs?

Fiddling Granny said...

Sounds a little too spooky for me.

Anonymous said...

megan that would make me feel so would be fun cause i visited you when you started and now you could visit me...i am really nervous,.....think about it i'd like it alot...visit me in the algonquin