Saturday, February 21, 2009

I'm a Big Boy Now

So since Mekhi started pulling himself to standing on the furniture he just won't stop. He believes that he is a superhero or something. So today I was just taking pics of him standing on holding onto the couch, and check it out, he goes in stages!!

Look Ma! No Hands!!!


Stephanie, Matt, Kaden and Ireland said...

OH MY GOD!!! look how tall he is what a giant, totally got Kellons genes in that department (thank god :) heehee)

good job Mekhi

SusanE said...

Well isn't he just the little hot shot....

He sure didn't get Megan's height and look at those little brown feet.

How cute.

Anonymous said...

wowzers he is big .... i think alot of his genes come from kellon .. sorry megan

Gryper said...

Yuo should be able to put him out to work pretty soon.

Homee Dad's View of Life said...

Did I hear Super Hero - he needs tights, a cape and a mask. I will wirk on it - soon Mekhi will have the ability to fly I am sure.


Wait I'm confused now.... He isn't a super hero?? I refuse to believe that