Saturday, August 11, 2007


Today I went to Pisa to visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Its a small area but very beautiful, we visited the Cathedral where they have a real Bishop mummafied and in a glass show case in the Cathedral. Then I got to walk around (but not inside) the Tower. It is really amazing, when you see it, its amazing to see such a big building on such a tilt. The tour guide was great, she told us that recently they had a British architect come out and try to secure it, they don't want it to be straight, but they do want it not too fall over in the near future. This architect was able to secure it so they are confident it will stay as it is for a while now. Also I found out that in Pisa, all building are actually tilted, odd place I tell you!


Fiddling Granny said...

The bottom picture, with the inside view is very cool. It's bad enough when a picture is crooked, but the whole room!?!?

SusanE said...

You must be having a blast being able to do the tours this time.

Nights might be the perfect way to do a contract. You get to see the sights that way.

I can tell you, I'm enjoying the pictures. Keep posting.

Anonymous said...

cool pics .... but weird place, all the buildings are leaning, thats a little weird but hey it would be cool to see ...