Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Clover and Leaves and Sitting Oh My!

Today we went for a walk in the bush and got fab photos of the kids. Also poor Mekhi got his first flesh wound. We had him posing for a pic with the other kids and all of a sudden he fell and started rolling down the hill. Sounds funny now but I was like "I broke him!!!". Anyways he flipped and cried and has a little scratch on his head, which did draw blood. Poor Mekhi, the rest of the walk, he wouldn't look at any of us, especially me and would not smile, he was pissed.

Oh yeah he's sitting now really straight and standing next to the couch, all photos attached.


SusanE said...

wow. He's doing really well. You didn't sit up by yourself until you were about 4 months old if I recall and that's pretty normal.

He sure looks mad about falling and I bet you sure felt guilty all day long.

Cherylinn said...

Does he ever look mad...I really do like the pics.

Jojo said...

Absolutely beautiful!