Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mekhi the Fish

Today was a very busy day in the world of Mekhi. We went to Baby Group at the Library and this time there were quite a few babies Mekhi's age. It was nice, Mekhi talked away to anyone who would listen and spent about 15 minutes chillin in a Bumbo chair, turns out he loved it. Then we met Granny at the pool for a 30 minute swimming lesson. It was great, Mekhi was so relaxed int he water, he just loved it. Basically once we got the lifejacket on him he was content to drift around, kicking his legs like a frog. We did make a video but unfortunately blogger has not been cooperative so i'll try to blog it later.
Now Mekhi was pretty darn exhausted after his swimming lesson so he literally passed out on the table by the pool.


SusanE said...

Picture #1 and #3 are really special. I love them.

He was so good in the water.

Anonymous said...

what a cutie ... i cannot wait for him to come visit.... he can bring u too ...lol

Stephanie, Matt, Kaden and Ireland said...

that is so awesome man i wish i was there to see if

His daddy is going to be shocke that his son is a fish since he is a rock (sinks)