Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Yeah for WII!

Seriously, the WII is only the coolest toy ever! And who says that your life changes when there are children around???? Seriously check it out you can be an auntie and play WII all at the same time! See


Fiddling Granny said...

You'll be an amazing mother! Have you grown the eyes in the back of your head yet? If not, they should be there soon.

Cherylinn said...

She does have it down to a science already. Can hardly wait to see the third kid sitting there.

Homee Dad's View of Life said...

Hey Mego - you have it all under control, keep up the good work. It reminds me of the day I needed to capture the spiny wigwag, FOCUS !!!!

Homee dad

Fiddling Granny said...

LOL ..."needed to capture the spiny wigwag"? :-)

Laurence Hunt said...

Hey Megan,

This is not about Wii, but about babies.

I just figured out that you and I have something in common.

So far, neither one of us has any experience of having a baby. Me, I intend to keep it that way. but for your sake, I hope that Mekhi shows up soon. Then you'll be more experienced than I am - which is how I intend to keep it!