Thursday, May 08, 2008


Well its been a while since i've blogged, not really much going on. I'm now on weekly appointments with my midwife and all is going well. Mekhi's head is in the "downward" position, he's got a healthy heart beat and he's content. Not really bugging me too much, but I am certainly beginning to feel quite tired now as we're getting into the last 4 weeks'ish. Its getting harder and harder to go to work (although that is not due to pregnancy, that is due to it being the worst job i've ever had in my entire 26 years of life hahaha) so I have a countdown until May 30th which is my last day of work.

Kellon is onboard the Coral Princess doing his last contract which should end in December. They are now on their way to Vancouver to begin the Alaska run until September, we're quite excited because after Mekhi is born the two of us are going to take a trip to Vancouver to see Kellon during one of their stops there.

Well so far thats the news, once Mekhi is born then we begin the trip to Kenora. YEAH! Can't wait to get there and see everyone from home. Oh and our stop at Aunt Wendy's first, sure hope to get to see as many people as we can. I'll keep you all posted on news and hopefully will have pics of Mekhi soon!!!!!!! Woo Hoo!

1 comment:

SusanE said...

I'm counting down. Can't wait to see you.

Take pictures.