Thursday, May 15, 2008

Grenada? Africa?

This is for my brother, who has replaced my all time favorite childhood story "Meg, how do I boil water" with his most recent revelation. I was talking to my lil bro Thomas yesterday and he seemed very concerned about the idea of me and Mekhi moving to Grenada, I was wondering what his concern was until he advised that "Things are very different in AFRICA Meg". I thought my ears were broken or something but then realized, all of this time, 2 years, Thomas has thought that I have been dating and visiting my boyfriend who is in Africa!!! Bless his soul, my real question is then why don't I have pictures of elephants? hee hee. As promised, Thomas her is a map of the Caribbean

If you look at the bottom of the map, right hand corner, you will see Grenada and also Trinidad and Tobego which you guessed it, aren't in Africa either. You learn something new every day!


Cherylinn said...

Ok so I confess, I didn't know where it was either, I just knew it was somewhere in the Carribean. But Africa that's a good one. (sorry Tom)....

SusanE said...

Hmmm Africa / Caribbean hmmm well at least they are both near the equator sort of, depending on where you go.

Homee Dad's View of Life said...

Buddy - I am at awe - But I can see the confusion, both Africa and Granada have "a's" in them. Thats OK buddy we all have those moments in our life.

Homee dad

Stephanie, Matt, Kaden and Ireland said...

Good one tom :) heehee

Gryper said...

I must congratulate Thomas on his vast knowledge of the world, it puts a new prospective on its shape. I hope in your job that they keep you in Canada