Sunday, April 13, 2008


Well I have to give my family props because I am usually one smart individual who catches on to things quickly. However this past weekend I was invited to Aunt Wendy's house to watch some INSANE family members VOLUNTEER to stick their tongues to frozen metal. Now is this a reason to book time off work, HELL YEAH! So me, Mum, Steph and Hilary pack Ireland into the car 7:30am and make are way through roads which weren't exactly the greatest to witness this event. 5 hours later we made it and meanwhile i'm thinking we're insane to drive 5 hours for this. Upon getting out of the car I see Aunt Wendy with a very sexy apron on standing on the porch and in a few seconds it registers, there is a banner above her head saying "Baby Shower"! Don't I feel like the major idiot, I was fooled by my family, even by those who drove with me for 5 hours, no one admitting that braving this drive was not for the foolish tongue to metal event. So I run inside to find other members of my family, all who of which had been keeping this secret aparently for months, I believe I cursed at all of them and then was very pleased. The day turned into a typical family event, full of unmentionable topics and loud (did I mention loud) conversations. And yes, the tongues were stuck to metal! Those who did not do it as children (thank God I did) ligned up to shove their faces into a container of frozen nails and lick them, coming up with a mouthfull of nails frozen to their tongues!!!! It was straight out of a horror film so of course we giggled like idiots the whole time.
Anyways I do want to thank my family dearly for this amazing surprise, I can't believe invitations were sent and everything and I didn't even hear a word. Guess in a family of big mouths, secrets are still secrets haha. Thank you for those of you who took time to plan the event, organize food, AND thank you all for the beautiful gifts for Mekhi, he loves them already. Kellon sure missed a good day.


Cherylinn said...

We have the BEST Family was a great time and look forward to our next get together, always fun and always interesting.

blah blah blah said...

Looks like you had a blast Megan. Too bad I couldn't come :(.

Ps this is Megan NOT Thomas hehe. I've taken over.

Fiddling Granny said...

The look on your face as you arrived and saw the banner was great ... I read your lips easily, you said "What the hell???" The as close as I can remember, the next line was, "We better still be doing the tongues on frozen metal!"

One minor correction to your observations Meg ... I NEVER did it as a child and remain smart enough to refrain from doing so now too! LOL

Cherylinn said...

Oh FG you really need to try was SO much fun.

Gryper said...

Your closing comment about a family of Big Mouths really justified my decision to use 4" nails instead of smaller ones.

It is the first time I have attended a baby shower and I must admit that some of the topics discussed REALLY SURPRISED me. I can hardly wait for another one.

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