Sunday, July 16, 2006

Post Family Reunion

Hello Family
Well all I can say is WE ROCK! We had a fabulous reunion, saw faces we haven't seen in years (or have never ever seen before) and all had an amazing time. Thank you UJ and "Old Bag" for hosting the event, don't worry, the protection of the barn animals was my number 1 concern assisted by Melissa.
I fly out to Grenada tomorrow and will be back in the Toronto area on August 2nd for Steph's wedding. I hope to come to the Newmarket area to catch up with everyone before I leave again. I love you all to pieces and will see you guys soon!

1 comment:

Cherylinn said...

Hey Ugly, glad you had a good time, we did try to keep the reunion a secret from you, but some how you found out about it and showed up here. We thought of chaining you in the basement and having the dogs guard you, but we decided to let you try and be a civilized human being, and you didn't do too bad....