Friday, September 26, 2008

Mekhi's Play Date

Well earlier this week Mekhi had a play date with some older babies. Friends of mine and their 6 months old babies. Mekhi had a blast, was so tired afterwards he slept the whole evening. I was showing Mum some of the pictures that one of the other Mum's took of Mekhi and she told me to blog them. So here they are (no pics of the other kids, some peeps are funny about that stuff so I don't post them).

Mekhi has been sucking on his hand, so in the effort to try to break him of it I bought him a friend, his little duck. I put it with him in his car seat to keep his hands busy, has been working so far.

Feels funny cause my life is now Mekhi, all my posts, Mekhi. But hey...he really is so much fun. Can't wait to bring him to Petawawa to play with Kaden and Ireland and see his Auntie Hilary and Stephanie. Anyays hope everyone is well!!!


SusanE said...

He really is a handsome little boy isn't he?

Cherylinn said...

He looks so cute.....he'll have a great time with his cousins in Petawawa.

Stephanie, Matt, Kaden and Ireland said...

what a cutie. man i miss you guys