Friday, January 18, 2008 it is!

With a bit of bitterness I finally submitted to the camera. As most of you who know me well know i've been avoiding this day like the plague. However after being asked on a daily basis I agreed. I pulled Steph aside, made her sign in blood that all sucky pictures would get deleted immediately and that this posting on the blog would be the only evidence of these photographs.
Here I am, me and Bump, our first official photo together, Bump is 19 weeks and 3 days old.


Stephanie, Matt, Kaden and Ireland said...

you look good Meg! nice glow

Homee Dad's View of Life said...

Hey Bump (and Mego): Nice to see the two of you. You don't know yet Bump but Homee Grampa will be the sorce of all things you need to know but did not know you needed to know.

For instance - The Warrigal commonly known to many as DINGO is said to have descended fron the "Canis Lupus Pallipes". If you give it some thought it may explain why lint in the belly button is often much lighter in colour than that found between the toes.

Anyway I understand we will have much time together in the near future. Consider your time HG as your fist sessiojn of Home Schooling!!

Homee Grampa

Homee Dad's View of Life said...

PS. Great picture Mego , Bump has your smile!!

Homee Dad

SusanE said...

You look so glamorous. It's not what you're wearing but how you wear it. How can anyone make being pregnant look so bright.

Megan, Kellon and Mekhi said...

So bright? Are you crazy Mum! I look like an elephant! haha

Cherylinn said...

Meg, you look great.....