Sunday, July 16, 2006

Post Family Reunion

Hello Family
Well all I can say is WE ROCK! We had a fabulous reunion, saw faces we haven't seen in years (or have never ever seen before) and all had an amazing time. Thank you UJ and "Old Bag" for hosting the event, don't worry, the protection of the barn animals was my number 1 concern assisted by Melissa.
I fly out to Grenada tomorrow and will be back in the Toronto area on August 2nd for Steph's wedding. I hope to come to the Newmarket area to catch up with everyone before I leave again. I love you all to pieces and will see you guys soon!

Friday, July 07, 2006


Hello Family and Friends,
Well i've done it, I booked my first vacation without working. I am leaving on July 17th, after the family reunion, and going to Grenada, a Caribbean Island! I will be staying there with a friend until August 2nd at which time I will fly back to Toronto for Steph's wedding. I can't wait. I will take lots of pictures and sent lots of stories.
See you soon at the family reunion!!!