Friday, March 10, 2006

St. Vincent

Spent the day lounging on the Beach in St. Vincent. It was a local beach so we didn't have to deal with passengers we just swam in the ocean and layed in the sun. I love the locals of these Islands, so cool and free. I mean they come along and chat with you, not because its polite but because they actually have something to say, they actually want to meet you. Hope everyone is doing well!


Fiddling Granny said...

I'm feeling so sorry for you Meg, you have such a tough life.

Homee Dad's View of Life said...

Mego - excellent picture again, its really hard to feel sorry for you, we are getting piles of snow today. Its really messy, but don't think of our situation - you just suffer with the sun. Got your post from Antigua, nice touch - actually received it today with all the snow falling. Something to be said for timing. Always proud and forever jealous !!

Love ya always
Homee Dad

SusanE said...

oops, I have to comment on this one now, because I commented on the duplicate and now I see it's gone.

Love the photo. It's good to know that you are getting some R&R to make up for all the stress that goes on with the job.

Cherylinn said...

Hi Megan:

I got it thanks. I've been wondering what's going on....Keep in touch, you old hag.
Love Ya